Name of Principal & Medical Superintendent –
Prof. (Dr.) Arup Kumar Das
Department –Organon of Medicine & Hom. Philosophy
D.O.B.- 15-02-1968
Qualification- BHMS,MD(Hom)
Registration No.- CCH1127CCH New Delhi )
Date of Joining- 23-08-2018
Teaching Experince –19 Years
Prmanent Address –204 Aastha Height, Berasia Road
Lamba Kheda
Dist. Bhopal , M.P.
Local Address –B.-1 104
Sam Plaza, Shimla
Rudrapur, US Nagar
Tel.No.- 9012795799, Fax No.- 05944280039 (O)
Mob. No.- 9907015620
Mail ID –arupdas366@gmail.com